May ’17

Welcome dear readers to our May edition of the band newsletter.

The weeks and months are rolling by (quicker and quicker as we get older!), but we’ve had some great accomplishments, played for some great audiences, lost some kilos and gained a couple of new faces! But before I divulge too much further, let’s here from our Band manager Joe Bloggs.



As always the band has been very busy. Click on the link below to view my full message.



New Members

In the last six months we have attracted to new members.
Charlotte – Bassoon, fitness fanatic. She has also successfully learnt to play the tenor sax in her short time here and is already performing it in parades and schools groups!

Sally – Flute. Sally with us under a contract while another member is on extended leave.


Losing weight!

Congratulations to some of our members who have succeeded in dropping some kilos!
(Unfortunately they gave them to the author of this newsletter.)


“Track of the Month!”

If you’ve not got all of our CD’s yet, each edition we’ll let you have a listen to a track that we think you’ll enjoy.
Our featured track this edition is :Mambo Jambo”
(Click on the CD image to hear the track,)

Upcoming Gigs

Our “biggies” that you don’t want to miss are:
July 1st “A Big Performance”


With the wonders of modern technology you can now experience some sights and sounds backstage before some of our performances.
Click on the image below to witness one of our members in his preparation before the show.




Watch the following video for some great safety tips.



Want to know more about the SAPOL band?

For more information on the band including what they do, merchandise, how to book the band and much more Click Here to visit their page on the SAPOL website.


